Information for Parents

Parklands Junior School

SEND Information for parents


Overview of our School

Parklands Junior School is a four form entry inclusive junior school in the London Borough of Havering. We have 510 pupils and 12% have Special Educational Needs and Disabilities.  We are ambitious for all our pupils and have high expectations of achievement. We are a school with an excellent reputation for musical performance and excellence in sporting achievements. We are committed to the removal of all barriers to learning and inspiring success.

How will the school identify that my child may need additional help?

Parklands Junior School tracks and monitors the progress and achievement of each individual pupil. Ways of identifying pupils who need additional support include:

  • Pupils who are not making expected progress
  • Pupils who are significantly underperforming
  • Concerns raised by class teachers
  • Concerns raised by parents and carers

How will the school share information with parents?

We believe that it is important to demonstrate open and thorough communication with parents and carers. Information from teachers, parents and carers, SENCO and any other relevant professionals is obtained and updated regularly and regular meetings will be arranged to discuss your child’s progress. A thorough discussion of proposed strategies and ways to implement these to best support your child’s needs is a key part of these discussions.

What should I do if I have any questions or concerns about my child’s additional needs

Please contact your child’s class teacher in the first instance if you have any concerns. They will then liaise with a member of the school SEND team.

How will the school involve parents and pupils in their decision making and support plans?

  • We will hold regular planning and review meetings
  • We will provide advice and guidance on how to support home learning
  • We will regularly communicate between home and school including the use of home / school diaries
  • We will provide targeted and focused 1:1 provision and intervention groups

What different kinds of support are available to children with SEND at Parklands Junior School?

We aim to provide quality first teaching in every class where class work is adapted to meet the learning needs of every child. It is important that teachers and support staff know and understand the individual needs of all pupils to enable them to make good or better progress.Teacher assessments and Pupil Progress meetings are held half termly to monitor progress and discuss next steps in learning. These may include:

  • Adaptation of mainstream curriculum
  • Differentiation to meet individual needs
  • Specific teaching interventions
  • Additional support for behaviour
  • Additional support for medical needs
  • Specific individual support / Specialist teaching groups

How will the school monitor my child’s progress and how will parents / carers be informed of this?

We carefully monitor all children identified as having additional needs and pupils will be assessed regularly. We will meet with parents and carers regularly and hold regular review meetings and parent consultations. Children will be set targets and a copy of these given to parents and carers. These targets will be reviewed regularly.

Have school staff received specific training in SEND?

Our staff receive regular and ongoing training. This includes Child Protection / Safeguarding training and briefings. Our staff liaise regularly with a range of external professionals including Educational Psychologist/s, Behavioural Support Staff and Speech and Language therapists. School staff also receive in school INSET training.

Is the school accessible to children with SEND?

Parklands Junior School is a single storey range of buildings and has full disabled access including ramp access.

Is my child able to participate in all school activities including school visits and after school clubs?

Yes. We encourage full participation in clubs, trips and visits and provide support as appropriate. We also complete a thorough Risk Assessment for all school trips and visits in accordance with London Borough of Havering policy to ensure your child’s safety at all times.

I am worried about transition. How will the school support my child to move on to a new school or cope with a change of class?

We plan and discuss any planned changes with parents, carers and pupils. This may include additional visits to a new school and additional induction information. A planned programme of transition will ensure that children are supported and that any move is managed smoothly.

Is there any additional support and training available to parents and carers?

We offer the following:

  • Parent workshops / learning support groups
  • Reading with your child sessions (Year 3 / 4)
  • Termly drop in sessions / coffee mornings