Sports Leaders

Our Sports leaders had to apply for the role at the end of year 5, which included completing a sports leaders application form. They then attended various training sessions with Miss Donn and Louise from the Havering Sports collective. Pupils are made aware of the responsibility that accompanies this role and the high standards of behaviour that all Sports leaders must adhere to.

Pupils wear a sports leaders badge so that staff and pupils can identify them. As part of their role they have to lead lunchtime activities for pupils who are in the ‘Sports Leaders Club’. They will also help organise fundraising events and activities later on in the year – including health and fitness week, the daily mile and sports day.

Being a Sports Leader at Parklands Junior School is an excellent learning experience and a fantastic opportunity for children to excel, take responsibility and gain knowledge and skills that will benefit them immensely. They are able to demonstrate clear leadership and communication skills. We are very proud of them.

Here are our year 6 Sports Leaders: