Year 4

Please find below the homework for Year 4 for –  24th March 2020

Homework is handed out on a Thursday each week and must be handed in on, or before, the Tuesday of the following week.

Please select either Group 1, Group 2 / Group 3 Homework. Your children will know which group they are in. In addition to this, there is a spelling sheet to learn.

Literacy Homework

Literacy homework this week will be set on Reading Eggs. Logins for Reading Eggs can be acquired from the class teacher.

Year 4 Spellings

Maths Homework

Maths homework this week will be set on Mathletics. Logins for Mathletics can be acquired from the class teacher.

SPAG Homework

This week, SPAG homework will be set online using    Pupils will be given their log in details and will be able to access their homework as shown by the class teacher.